mardi 19 août 2014

The cabin

 When the Intern got to the studio, the Claudes made her some space in the “bedroom”, where there’s a small high-bed. The Claudes made it with their friend Sophie, and they’re quite proud of the result.

At the time, we’d promised to post Before-After pictures - it’s been a while since the “Before”, but it’s been rather successful:
From scraps of wood, the Intern made a little cosy corner, a kind of a “double cabin”, a hiding place and living space.

On top, there’s the Big Bed for sleeping, where Julius and Jeffrey like to hang out.

Next to the mattress, there’s even a small carpeted corner with books, a lamp, some suitcases and an orange teapot.

The Intern hung up the drawing that Claude Ponti made just for her - it’s a small treasure.

Hanging from the ceiling are some clouds and hanging on the wall is a drawing by our friend, Sophie.
Under the big bed and hidden behind curtains is the cabin: a little hideaway for reading, talking to oneself (or with others, once in a while), daydreaming, and all around doing nothing.

A good place to accommodate friends for the night…

The Intern’s kind of made it into her own little personal museum: she’s covered the walls and ceiling with images, pictures of her family and friends, childhood memories, knick-knacks picked up on trips…

When the curtains are closed, it really feels like being in a cocoon, or in a little fort.

It’s a real treat (or, re-treat, rather…)

 CDs are organised here…

...and the chop-sabres there.

A fruit crate with all the books we could carry from France are at the entrance - because after all, books are are fundamental element of a cabin’s design.

And why stop there when she’d already made such progress? The Intern continued to tweak things to make herself feel more at at home.

She hung up this lantern from the Japanese boonies around the light bulb…

…and just above the door, this miniature gargoyle found in Middle-of-Nowhere, Normandy.

She made some space for a few tubes of lipstick…

…and put up the picture-frames from the old studio.

Even the spooky bunny found a place on the wall!

On the other side, in the workshop, the Intern added a splash of colour - to keep spirits high in vanishing verve.

Japanese sponges soak up sun above the money tree…

…and so does our emerging avocado tree! The Intern has somewhat of a green thumb…


 “To keep spirits high in vanishing verve”, it was said:

“Art is beautiful, but a lot of work.”

Anyway, it’s a great place for a great intern (yeah…), joyous and dedicated to her efforts!


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